Конференция "Блокчейн в горнодобывающей промышленности"

Геолог, более 25 лет опыта работы по всему миру на поисках твёрдых полезных ископаемых и в работе с данными. Когда Татьяна узнала о том что такое блокчейн технология она поняла какой потенциал в применении блокчейн в горной промышленности и с тех пор её работа нацелена на продвижение блокчейн во все сферы деятельности горной индустрии.

CEO of Stepchange Global Limited, Tony has extensive experience in the oil and gas and mining sectors worldwide. Tony has a BA degree from Keele University in Geology and Chemistry, and a Doctorate in Petrology from the University of Manchester. He had a 17 year career with BP that spanned R&D through to front line operations and project management. He was a founder member of BP’s Integrated Operations Program, Field of the Future, and was subsequently the global director for the Advanced Collaborative Environment Program. In 2006 he moved to BG-Group to launch its digital oilfield program. In January 2009 he founded Stepchange Global, a dedicated digital oilfield advisory company, and has since advised Equinor, BP, PETRONAS, ConocoPhillips, Total, ExxonMobil, Shell, Santos, Origin Energy, Suncor, GAZPROM, Repsol, Premier Oil, and ExxonMobil on their oil and gas Integrated Operations and Digital Transformation strategies. In mining, Tony has worked on Integrated operations implementations for BHP in Australia, Canada, and Chile, for Barrick Gold in Argentina, and Teck resources in Chile. Tony is particularly interested in the People, Process and Organisational change that is needed to maximize the benefit from the latest wave digital technologies. This includes new operational models that are real time, remote, collaborative and multidiscipline.
Over the last five years Tony has combine his operational experience in running unmanned platforms with the application of Digital Technologies in major projects to advise on radically minimum manned and remotely operated and project concepts that are lower in CAPEX and OPEX whilst delivering improved safety and reliability.
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